Addiction Treatment

The Importance of Identifying Signs and Symptoms of ADHD

Written By:

Becky Babb

The Importance of Identifying Signs and Symptoms of ADHD

Misunderstandings about ADHD still abound for many people, resulting in harmful delays in diagnosis and treatment. Stigma is a big issue for people who have ADHD, which makes it important to know the signs and symptoms and offer treatment. Getting an early diagnosis provides open doors to getting treatment sooner than later. There are some things to keep in mind when looking at signs and symptoms of ADHD, which might help provide insight for people who are struggling, as well as their loved ones.

How an ADHD Diagnosis Happens

Healthcare professionals use the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for guidelines on helping to diagnose ADHD. this diagnostic standard helps ensure people get a diagnosis for ADHD. Treatment is also offered once an official diagnosis is presented. The same standard across communities can help determine how many children have ADHD, and how public health impacts them. There are five criteria to look for when making an official diagnosis of symptoms and signs a loved one has ADHD:

  • Lack of attention: failing to pay close attention to details or making mistakes at work or in school
  • Fails to pay attention to tasks or loses focus easily
  • Does not seem to listen when spoken to directly
  • Does not follow instructions
  • Difficulty organizing activities to get things done
  • Loses things necessary to get things done
  • Easily distracted
  • Often forgetful every day

As it regards hyperactivity, there are often additional signs a person is experiencing this part of ADHD as well. They may not be able to sit still and they leave situations when remaining seated is expected. They have a hard time doing leisure activities quietly and often run or climb when it is not appropriate. Other issues include trouble waiting for a turn to speak or do something, interrupts others, and generally seems agitated or anxious for no known reason. When these signs are present, it can be difficult for the person to focus, hold a job, finish school, or do tasks effectively. They may need medication or therapy to help them. Sometimes, they fall into addiction to numb or distract them from the difficulty of their issues.

Finding Help for ADHD

It is often hard to admit the need for help when it comes to ADHD. Adults may blow it off as something that is not a big deal, ignoring signs it is causing havoc in their lives. It is difficult to live with untreated ADHD and hold jobs or focus for long periods. This can impact personal relationships, as well. Over time, this may erode confidence and bring anxiety levels up, causing additional stress. Eventually, it is important a person finds hope for their personal journey and seeks treatment when necessary for drug and alcohol use issues that may arise.

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