The Last Resort Family Addiction Program

Connecting Family Members and Addiction Treatment Resources

What is the Family Addiction Program?

The fallout of alcohol and substance use disorder affects far more than just one person. For better or worse, your closest family members face the same battle right alongside you, from a different perspective.

It’s hard to watch you struggle, and it hurts to endure the impact of harmful patterns. They see the present burden and may feel that the possibility of a healthy future begins to deteriorate right before their eyes. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

As you step up to the plate and pursue your recovery, your loved ones need support, too. They need to understand the best ways to rally around you and, more importantly, how to advocate for themselves through this process. This is where our Family Program shines.

We bring you and your loved ones together, both at our serene hill country horse ranch and online, during the treatment process to promote healthy family dynamics, mutual respect, and overall improved well-being. We offer counseling for parents, spouses, and children of drug addicts and aim to support the entire family throughout the recovery process.

Our Family Program at a Glance

Family Channels
How It Works
Conditions Treated
Family Focus Day
Hosted on the horse ranch for in-person family support, bonding, equine therapy, education, and more.
Online Family Program
Two-day educational workshop hosted online to advance knowledge, skills, and understanding of addiction-related issues.
  • Co-Occurring Mental Health Disorders
  • Alcohol and Substance Use Disorders
Additional Family Support
A free Zoom meeting for family members is hosted by licensed clinicians and is offered weekly during and after treatment.

How (and Why)

A Family Addiction Program Works

Getting the whole family involved in a positive recovery process is essential for sustained recovery. It empowers each member to confidently do their part in the systemic healing of the whole family unit.

At The Last Resort, we are a family-centered treatment center. Our programs are designed to facilitate your recovery journey and support your family’s needs. We have three primary channels for family addiction recovery:

Family Focus Day

This is a one-day event on-site at The Last Resort horse ranch outside Austin, Texas. Our rustic but deluxe comfort recovery center will host clients, family members, and close friends for a day of bonding, family counseling, education, therapy sessions, experiential therapy sessions, equine-assisted therapy, and other wellness activities.

Online Family Program

This is a 2-day virtual training program to equip your family members with the education and support services they need to support your long-term recovery and advocate for their own needs. 

Additional Family Support

All clients and their family members have the opportunity to participate in group family therapy, individual family counseling, and our free Zoom meeting for families, which is hosted by licensed clinicians and offered weekly both during treatment and after you’ve been discharged from the inpatient treatment center.

Efficacy Of Family Addiction Counseling Programs

The disease of addiction is one that can affect anyone in a multitude of ways. According to recent data, over 100 million family members suffer from a relative’s struggle with alcohol or substance abuse. [1] The field of addiction treatment and recovery support has always been in a state of constant evolution. But much of the treatment process begins with the family, at home, before you ever set foot in a treatment program.

Scientific research and studies support the efficacy of a Family Addiction Program and family-based interventions during treatment. The benefits of family involvement are tangible and life-changing. It’s tied to greater treatment participation, higher treatment entry and completion,  reduced domestic violence, more financial stability, lower family conflict, and better overall health.[2]

Additional research reveals that family addiction counseling and family involvement in treatment improve family well-being, better treatment outcomes, healthier family functioning, increased abstinence, and stronger relationships.[3]

It’s important for treatment and recovery success that family support is available. 

The Last Resort Family Treatment Program Staff

Explore the listing below and get to know the Family Program staff at The Last Resort.

What Our Austin Family Addiction Program Alumni Are Saying

We’re excited to share the positive experiences of our other community members, many of whom were where you are today – overwhelmed and uncertain. These are their stories. What will yours be?

The Last Resort Therapy Modalities and Family Addiction Counseling

Each client is assigned an individualized treatment plan designed to meet their unique needs. When participating in the family program, these addiction, mental, and behavioral health modalities may be on the schedule

Equine-Assisted Therapy

This is a guided therapy approach involving one of our horses that promotes physical health, mental health, trauma response, life and communication skills, and overall healing.

Family Therapy

A core component of our Family Addiction Program, this type of therapy and addiction counseling for family members builds strong relationships and improves family system operations, problem-solving, communication, and potential.

Addiction Education

There is so much to learn about the disease of addiction, both for clients and their families. From addiction healthcare and the effects of drug use to co-occurring disorders and healthy self-care, this is where you can gain a better understanding of it all.

Experiential Therapy

This modality takes a hands-on approach to healing using activities, tools, and expressive outlets to help process and address harmful patterns.

Group Therapy

These family sessions bring like-minded and goal-oriented people together and enhance the treatment and recovery process.

Solution Focused Brief Therapy

This is a question and response approach to psychotherapy that targets a specific goal, like abstinence or sobriety.

Other Therapies at The Last Resort

Not all of the therapies we offer are appropriate for the family program, but they may still be included on a case-by-case basis or as part of the client’s individual treatment.

Finding Your Place in the Continuum of Care

Before beginning any treatment sessions, each client will undergo a detailed and comprehensive biopsychosocial assessment based on ASAM Criteria. The level of care assigned will be based on the results of the evaluation and the expertise of the clinical care team.

The assigned level of care can be adjusted in either direction based on treatment progress and the level of support needed. At The Last Resort, these are the levels of care offered:

Inpatient Detox At The Ranch

A serene and liberating space in the hill country set on a 55-acre horse ranch. Clients will safely navigate withdrawal with medical oversight as treatment begins.

Residential Rehab At The Ranch

Free of distractions and surrounded by like-minded brothers, clients receive daily, full-time treatment and 24/7 support. 

Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)

This level of care is managed out of our clinical campus in Austin, Texas. It is a full-time outpatient program that operates five days a week.

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

This level of care is a part-time outpatient program that operates three days a week from the clinical campus in Austin, Texas.


At this level of care, you’re on a maintenance path to continue your sobriety with ongoing support and treatment as needed.

Sober Living

For those who need additional support after treatment or aren’t ready to be on their own again, our sober living program offers structured support with a residential component.

Frequently Asked Questions About Our Family Addiction Program

Which Family Members Does Your Family Therapy Program Include?

Every family looks different. If your closest circle is made of trusted friends or extended family, their role can take the place of close family whenever needed.

The role of family in addiction recovery and treatment is a critical one. A supportive family system is the foundation of sustained sobriety, accountability, building stronger relationships, improving communication, and more. As much as possible, having family involved is essential.

At The Last Resort, families are encouraged to participate in Family Focus Day, the 2-day

Online Family Programs and channels for additional family support include free Zoom sessions hosted by licensed clinicians. All of these avenues of support are included in the treatment program and are available to those who need it.

[1][2]Baldwin, N., Imminick, L., & Wagner, P. (2018). Family-focused practices in addictions: a scoping review protocol. American Journal of Medical Quality, 33(1), 53-60. Retrieved from

[3]National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2020). Chapter 3—Family Counseling Approaches. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Retrieved from