How Long Does Meth Last?

March 10, 2025

Table of contents

Key Points
  • Methamphetamine is a highly addictive stimulant. It can cause intense euphoria and hyperactivity, but also severe physical and psychological damage.
  • The effects of methamphetamine can last for several hours or even days. The duration depends on factors such as the dose, route of administration, and individual metabolism.
  • Methamphetamine can lead to a range of health problems, including tooth decay, heart damage, and mental health issues like psychosis and paranoia.
  • Methamphetamine addiction is a serious condition that requires professional treatment. Recovery programs can help individuals overcome addiction and rebuild their lives.

A methamphetamine “Crystal Meth” high is an intense, lengthy altered state of mind that can have devastating effects on the mind and body. If you’ve ever wondered, “how long does meth last?” or “how long does a meth high last?”, the answer is that both of these things can vary based on a number of factors. How long meth remains active, traceable, and relevant within the body depends on several factors including the individual’s age and size, their drug use habits and history, and their chosen route of administration. In general, the half-life of meth ranges from 6-15 hours.[1] Here, we address the numbers and apply them to your average chronic user: someone who smokes meth regularly, at least several times per week.

About Methamphetamine

Meth is a psychostimulant drug.[2] It speeds the body’s natural systems up and delivers high levels of dopamine to the user. Meth comes in a variety of forms, including crystals and powder.[3] Over time, frequent users will build up a tolerance to the euphoric effects of the drug.[4] Eventually, many users will resort to binging this drug, to keep feeling the same level of highs, generally resulting in a dangerous dependency and a number of physical and mental drawbacks that can be life-threatening.

Meth is a synthetic drug that often contains cold medicine, but can consist of much more sinister ingredients, including rat poison, antifreeze, battery acid, and drain cleaner.[5] These ingredients can have worrying long-term and short-term effects on a user’s mental and physical health, including:[6]

  • Extreme tooth decay and gum disease, which often causes teeth to break or fall out.
  • Risk of contracting diseases such as HIV through sharing of paraphernalia, weakened immune system, and impaired judgment
  • Dangerous weight loss from lack of appetite and impaired judgment
  • Paranoia
  • Hallucinations

Additionally, it’s possible to overdose on meth, which can result in death.[7] Due to the addictive nature of this drug, individuals with meth addictions require meth addiction treatment to recover. Those who need to take a drug test or know people who use meth may have a couple questions, including how long does meth last in the body and how long does a meth high last?‍

How Long Does Meth Last For?

How long methamphetamines last really depends on a number of factors:

Duration Of Action

The duration of action really depends on the individual, their history of drug use, and the dose administered, but generally, concentrations of meth are detectable in oral fluid between one and 48 hours after an oral dose.[8]

How Long is a Meth High?

A methamphetamine high is often described as a longer-lasting cocaine high.[9] The precise length of a crystal meth high is a subject of debate amongst experts. Some researchers state that the stimulant effects of the drug can last approximately 6 to 12 hours.[10]

Finding out your loved one is using meth can be a scary thing. If you find yourself asking, “How long does smoking meth last?” it might be time you seek help from a professional. Methamphetamine is a highly addictive substance, and most individuals can’t stop without help from a specialized meth rehab program.

How Long Does a Meth High Last?

“How long is a meth high?” is a common question for both people who use the drug and even their family members. When smoked, Meth is detectable for 2 to 5 days for urine, approximately 90 days in hair follicles, 1-48 hours in oral fluid, and 7-14 days in sweat.[11] A meth high is progressive, and once it slows, addicts feel compelled to take more meth. The sense of confidence one feels when high makes it easy to smoke more and more without caution. Below, we’ve outlined what is referred to as a binge cycle.[12]

Rush; 5 minutes – User experiences brainstorming, increased sex drive, hyperactivity, fascination, thought blending. Pupils dilate.

Shoulder; 1 hour – Euphoria is lessened, but other effects are sustained.

Binge; 1-5 days – User administers more meth in order to sustain euphoria, and repeats the process again and again. Dependence builds.

Tweak; 4-24 hours – User experiences dysphoria (irritability and dissatisfaction), scattered thoughts, strong meth cravings, paranoia, anxiety, auditory hallucinations, and delusions.

Crash; 1-3 days – User feels extremely tired and unwell, but still craves meth.

Normalizing; 2-7 days – Although the characteristics of crash persist, the user is on the upswing.

How Long Does Meth Withdrawal Last?

Meth withdrawal tends to peak at about 24 hours following last use.[13] The acute phase of withdrawal lasts about 7-10 days, with severity declining from the initial 24 hour peak. Following this is the subacute withdrawal phase which lasts an additional 2 weeks. Symptoms of meth withdrawal include:

  • Anxiety
  • Cravings
  • Depression-related symptoms
  • Increased sleeping
  • Increased appetite

What are Some Meth Comedown Symptoms?

Meth users experience a large burst of energy, which causes the body to think it has an abundance of energy. This misconception results in the user ignoring sleep and engaging in excessive activities. When the energy is depleted, it causes a “crash” that results in a period of extreme exhaustion. Many users then try to chase the feelings of energy and increased euphoria by taking more meth. As the user takes more meth to avoid a comedown, their bodies become even more stretched and exhausted.

Symptoms of a meth comedown include:

  • Limited/low energy
  • Intense drug cravings
  • Agitation
  • Restlessness
  • Depression
  • Aches and pains
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Anxiety
  • Confusion

When recovering from a methamphetamine binge, users will often need to sleep for extended periods. To completely get over the short-term effects, recovery can take even longer. The “comedown” period is one of the most dangerous periods for a meth user. Thoughts of self-harm and the need to use again can be powerful forces and cause the user to spiral into a cycle of substance abuse and binging.

Getting Help for Meth Addiction

Getting help for an addiction to methamphetamines is a crucial step in the healing process. Meth is an extremely addictive substance, and for many, it can be nearly impossible to break the cycle on their own, especially in the short and long-term.

We provide a state-of-the-art meth addiction recovery program that can help you and your loved one overcome their addiction for good. We can guide you through the recovery process and build the foundation to resist meth addiction and live a happy, healthy life. Call or fill out a contact form to get started today.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How long does crystal meth last?
Crystal meth and methamphetamine are the same thing. The high generally last 12-14 hours. Once use has stopped the "comedown" begins.
How Long does methamphetamine last?
Methamphetamine can last in the body for up to 3 days depending of severity of use.
How long do meth effects last?
Meth effects can last from hours to days. The "comedown" process can be difficult. We encourage you to seek help if you are struggling with this addiction.
How long does meth keep you high?
The meth high can last from 12-14 hours and sometimes even up to 24.

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[1, 2] Richards, J. R., & Laurin, E. G. (2023, June 8). Methamphetamine toxicity. StatPearls – NCBI Bookshelf.

[3] The Official State of Nevada Website. Forms of meth. (n.d.).

[4] What are the long-term effects of methamphetamine misuse? | National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2022, January 12). National Institute on Drug Abuse.

[5] Methamphetamine. (n.d.).

[6, 7] USDOJ: Meth Awareness Homepage. (n.d.).

[8, 11] Hadland, S. E., & Levy, S. (2016). Objective testing. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 25(3), 549–565.

[9] How is methamphetamine different from other stimulants, such as cocaine? | National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2021, April 13). National Institute on Drug Abuse.

[10] Yasaei, R., & Saadabadi, A. (2023, May 1). Methamphetamine. StatPearls – NCBI Bookshelf.

[12] How is methamphetamine misused? | National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2021, April 13). National Institute on Drug Abuse.

[13] McGregor, C., Srisurapanont, M., Jittiwutikarn, J., Laobhripatr, S., Wongtan, T., & White, J. M. (2005). The nature, time course and severity of methamphetamine withdrawal. Addiction, 100(9), 1320–1329.