How Long Does Psychosis Last? Causes, Stages, and Treatment Options

Psychosis is a troubling condition that involves a break from reality. It can manifest in different ways, including hallucinations, delusions, and altered sensory perception. How long psychosis lasts and how individuals experience psychosis can vary by many factors, including what induces psychotic episodes. Learn more about the duration and recovery time for psychosis, types of […]

What Is A Dry Drunk? Understanding and Managing Dry Drunk Syndrome

The term ‘dry drunk syndrome’ was coined by Alcoholics Anonymous. It is used to describe a set of symptoms that affect someone who has stopped drinking alcohol but continues to display the same dysfunctional behaviors and attitudes as they did during the height of their alcohol addiction.[1] The Causes of Dry Drunk Syndrome Dry drunk […]

HALT Acronym: What Does HALT Stand for in Recovery?

The HALT acronym, which stands for Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired, is used in the mental health community, specifically with addiction recovery. These emotional states and needs are recognized as stressors that can inhibit your decision-making and judgment. In addiction recovery, it’s important to recognize stressors and triggers for relapse. HALT represents these stressors and acts […]

Learning About the AA Prayer: Understanding the Role of Prayer in AA

The Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) 12-Step program relies on several prayers and daily reflections to find strength in recovery, but the best-known prayers are The Serenity Prayer and the prayers for steps One, Three, Seven, and Eleven. The Serenity Prayer is consistent across programs, but other AA prayers may have different versions. However, they always have […]