Medication For Alcohol Withdrawal Treatment

Medication For Alcohol Withdrawal Treatment

Because alcoholism is such a widespread problem, it has spawned a massive amount of research has been conducted in an effort to thwart it. Over the years, scientists have developed—and discovered—many types of medication for alcohol withdrawal treatment that help make alcohol withdrawal manageable. Alcohol withdrawal is a menacing illness that be tough to endure even with strong willpower and spirit….

The Top 4 Facts About Prescription Drug Abuse You Didn’t Know

The Top 4 Facts About Prescription Drug Abuse You Didn’t Know

What can I do about prescription pill addiction? Millions of Americans right now are fighting for their lives against prescription pill addiction. Unfortunately, there are many facts about prescription drug abuse that people don’t know, and this leaves them vulnerable to developing addictions themselves.Hopefully you already know that prescription painkillers aren’t safer than illegal drugs even though they come from doctors…

Creative Writing During Drug Addiction Recovery – Creative Writing As Therapy

Creative Writing During Drug Addiction Recovery – Creative Writing As Therapy

Physically and emotionally, recovery takes its toll. Having a way to express one’s thoughts, feelings and emotions throughout the journey can be helpful and also very therapeutic. Addiction leaves a trail of trauma and suffering in its wake not only for the individual in recovery but others including family, friends, and colleagues as well. People in recovery can experience severe emotional…

Life After Alcohol Rehab: Adjustments and Getting Re-Oriented to Life After Rehab

Life After Alcohol Rehab: Adjustments and Getting Re-Oriented to Life After Rehab

The day is finally here. The sun is shining outside as you gather your things and sign out at the front registry. You completed your intensive residential treatment program here at The Last Resort and you’re ready to walk out into the world a new man and begin your life after alcohol rehab. Beginning Life After Alcohol Rehab It’s been a…

Tiger Woods Comeback

Tiger Woods Comeback

Watching Tiger sinking an incredible putt that placed him 1 behind the tournament leader at the Valspar Championship two weekends ago was one of those moments where you felt goosebumps run up your arms. At least, that’s what seeing my childhood hero’s comeback felt like to me.Next to my father and grandfathers, Tiger Woods undoubtedly shaped the kind of man I…

5 Common Relapse Triggers to Avoid

5 Common Relapse Triggers to Avoid

Alcoholics and drug addicts might reject rehabilitation therapy on the premise that everyone experiences relapses and that therapy will not work. Although many individuals who are recovering from addiction problems will experience one or more relapse events, those events are not inevitable. A well-structured and organized rehabilitation program will recognize the likely triggers that will cause an addict or alcoholic to…

The Recovered Gentleman – issue 08

The Recovered Gentleman – issue 08

RECOVERY AND MEDITATION Drug and alcohol treatment and recovery often include various forms of therapy. There are group sessions for support and treatment. Some people have recourse to individual counseling. There are of course medical treatments for some of the symptoms of alcohol and drug withdrawal. But any of us can benefit from other methods of self-healing that can augment our…

Wilderness Therapy Texas – Healing Addiction Outdoors

Wilderness Therapy Texas – Healing Addiction Outdoors

Traditional treatment for addiction typically involves a therapeutic approach and either inpatient or outpatient care at a facility. While these approaches can work for most people there are those who are unsuccessful with it for one reason or another. An effective form of alternative treatment is wilderness therapy. Wilderness drug rehab is a clinical approach to addiction treatment. Despite its non-traditional…