How to Practice the Fine Art of Chivalry in a Shifting Culture

How to Practice the Fine Art of Chivalry in a Shifting Culture

How to Practice the Fine Art of Chivalry in a Shifting Culture Relationships often evolve from the immediate family of origin. Understanding how they work, communication, and conflict resolution are key elements of family life. Social media is now leading the charge in how people pursue relationships in a romantic sense with traditional ways of dating going more and more by…

Release the Lone Wolf Mentality and Learn to Embrace Relationships

Release the Lone Wolf Mentality and Learn to Embrace Relationships

Release the Lone Wolf Mentality and Learn to Embrace Relationships The feeling of isolation and loneliness felt by people is not just a feeling, it is a lived reality for man. The sense of community people desire is waning in favor of going it alone, being independent and doing things solo. The ‘lone wolf mentality’ that men, especially, should act alone…

What is the Role of Equine Therapy in Rehab?

What is the Role of Equine Therapy in Rehab?

What is the Role of Equine Therapy in Rehab? The benefits of equine therapy are emotional, physical, and spiritual. They include improved self-esteem and relaxation, along with enhanced concentration and a sense of spiritual grounding. Horses are key players in the mental rehabilitation of many people around the world. Equine-assisted therapy is an umbrella term encompassing several therapeutic activities, including horses….

The Importance of Understanding Healthy Masculinity

The Importance of Understanding Healthy Masculinity

The Importance of Understanding Healthy Masculinity One of the broad conversations happening lately is around the topic of masculinity. More specifically, masculine behavior and beliefs that define men. A healthier perspective to take is one that focuses on how the traditional view of masculinity is defined so much by cultural, what’s popular, what’s hot now, and what celebrities do as well…

Embracing Vulnerability Can Boost Recovery: Here’s How

Embracing Vulnerability Can Boost Recovery: Here’s How

Embracing Vulnerability Can Boost Recovery: Here’s How Vulnerability is not something most people want to admit to experiencing. It is almost like a taboo subject to admit that inside, things feel a bit shaky, uncertain, and, yes, vulnerable. Vulnerability is often seen as something to be avoided. Brené Brown has been shifting the conversation around embracing vulnerability as a pathway to…

How to Choose Between Inpatient vs Outpatient Drug Rehab

How to Choose Between Inpatient vs Outpatient Drug Rehab

When people search for addiction treatment, they have two main options, which are inpatient and outpatient rehab. While both types of rehab have their own benefits, each fits an individual differently. Knowing the differences between inpatient vs outpatient drug rehab can make choosing the right program easier. Inpatient vs Outpatient Drug Rehab –What’s the Difference? The most significant difference between inpatient and…

Tips For Staying Sober This Fourth Of July

Tips For Staying Sober This Fourth Of July

With one of the biggest “party” holidays approaching, many find themselves at events across the nation fueled by copious amounts of alcohol. This can be a risky time and place for those who have committed to themselves to abstain from drinking. Statistically, many relapses are triggered by such events. Everyone could use some quick tips for staying sober this Fourth of…

Drug And Alcohol Rehab What To Expect In Rehab

Drug And Alcohol Rehab What To Expect In Rehab

Most people develop their concepts of drug and alcohol rehab what to expect from popular culture and news stories. These are full of stories about celebrities who check themselves into rehab after drug- or alcohol-induced public meltdowns. Celebrity rehab centers are often shown as luxurious retreats. Here residents spend their time lounging around a pool or playing tennis. Drug and alcohol…

Local PTSD Support Groups in Austin TX

Local PTSD Support Groups in Austin TX

Most people associate post-traumatic stress disorder (“PTSD”) with military service veterans who have experienced the violence and terror of a war zone and who are having difficulties reintegrating into a peaceful society. PTSD is a very real problem for many military veterans, but it is not confined to just that group. Anyone who has survived a severe traumatic event can suffer…

Tips For How To Avoid Alcohol Relapse

Tips For How To Avoid Alcohol Relapse

The recovering alcoholic who falls off the wagon is a common character in popular culture. Depictions of this character show him succumbing to some stressful event with an alcohol binge. Afterward, he cleans himself up and never has another drop of alcohol. This simplistic depiction ignores the challenges that recovering alcoholics face after they have achieved sobriety. The risk of relapse…

Intensive Psychotherapy For Addiction Treatment

Intensive Psychotherapy For Addiction Treatment

Intensive psychotherapy for addiction treatment is a supercharged form of regular therapy. With intensive inpatient therapy, a patient might spend six to seven hours per day in therapy sessions. Group sessions can mix in with individual therapy, as can specific workshops and medical therapy.Inpatient therapy sessions will continue for four to five consecutive days. During this time, medical professionals will encourage…