What is the Difference Between Hard and Soft Drugs?

What is the Difference Between Hard and Soft Drugs?

The term ‘soft drugs,’ and ‘hard drugs’ are arbitrary terms with little to no clear way criteria. The term ‘hard drug’ has been used to categorize drugs including meth and marijuana. Marijuana is usually the only drug included in ‘soft’ drugs, although some people include nicotine and alcohol in this category for legal status use by adults. It is often referred…

What is BZP?

What is BZP?

BZP, or n-benzylpiperazine, is sometimes the slang term for ecstasy, A2, MDAI, Head Rush, Exotic Super Strong, and other similar street names. This ‘novel’ drug is emerging because they are different from common drugs and professionals are still learning the lasting effects. BZP is a component drug in ecstasy with many similar effects to MDMA. Much less is known about how…

How to Remain Spiritual in Recovery

How to Remain Spiritual in Recovery

Spirituality means different things to different people. To feel a connection to a higher power takes some thought and intentional action. Spirituality can help us derive a sense of meaning and purpose from our experiences. Maintaining a practice takes some work. Find some tips for remaining spiritual in recovery to boost your mental and physical well being. Don’t Need Religion Spirituality…

How to Know if You Are Becoming More Spiritually Aware

How to Know if You Are Becoming More Spiritually Aware

Spiritual awakening helps people discover a different perception of the world. Colors are more vivid and life begins to appear through a clear vision of the world. When people realize their connection with everyone and everything, truth begins to emerge. This connection helps build energy and illuminates a higher spiritual pathway. Learn more about how to know if spiritual awakening has…

What is Family Sculpting?

What is Family Sculpting?

Family therapy is part of rehab and recovery from drug and alcohol abuse. Addiction affects the entire family system therefore, recovery needs to be happy for the entire family, not just the person suffering from substance abuse. The use of psychodrama for the family is one tool people can use to grow in recovery from addiction. What is Family Sculpting The…

Why Setting a Good Example for Others Matters

Why Setting a Good Example for Others Matters

Why Setting a Good Example for Others Matters Children need a good example of how to become adults, which is why they have parents. Sometimes parents make really crummy choices and sometimes they make good ones. Fathers, in particular, can set a good example for both their sons and daughters with how they behave and conduct themselves. The mother-child bond always…

The Manliness of Mindfulness: How to Embrace Mindful Practices

The Manliness of Mindfulness: How to Embrace Mindful Practices

The Manliness of Mindfulness: How to Embrace Mindful Practices Mindfulness meditation is the practice of focusing attention thoughts and feelings without judgment. Practicing mindfulness can bring physical, psychological, and social benefits. Cultivating compassion builds an overall healthier perspective on the self and life. Men practice high levels of mindfulness but compassion may be removed from the equation. To have compassion means…

Finding a Spiritual Center in Recovery Looks Different Than Men Think

Finding a Spiritual Center in Recovery Looks Different Than Men Think

Finding a Spiritual Center in Recovery Looks Different Than Men Think When searching for authentic spirituality, it is healthy to think of it in terms of finding a center that helps ground you in recovery. Men may approach spirituality differently than women, depending on their experiences and how they interpret spirituality. Learn more about how to find a spiritual center in…

How Can Men Increase Emotional Intelligence Around Sensitivity?

How Can Men Increase Emotional Intelligence Around Sensitivity?

How Can Men Increase Emotional Intelligence Around Sensitivity? Sensitive men are incredibly attractive. They are path-forgers in the new paradigm of the evolved man. Strong and sensitive. Intuitive and powerful. They’re able to give and receive love without ambivalence, being “unavailable,” or commitment phobia.In my new book, I write extensively about the power of empaths and describe strategies for how empaths…

Mindfulness Tips to Cope with Difficult Emotions in Relationships

Mindfulness Tips to Cope with Difficult Emotions in Relationships

Mindfulness Tips to Cope with Difficult Emotions in Relationships Most people understand life to be fast-paced and full of stress. The reality is that pressures from technology and work can take a toll on a marriage. Difficult emotions like anger, confusion, and sadness may arise. Mindfulness is a good way to cope with difficult emotions when they arise because relationships are…