Focusing on Nutrition in Rehab is Key to Meeting Goals and Feeling Healthy

Focusing on Nutrition in Rehab is Key to Meeting Goals and Feeling Healthy

When people do drugs or drink, their bodies are in a state of malnutrition. They often don’t get proper nutrients and may be dehydrated as well. There are also mental health issues to focus on that will be key to figuring out how to deal with staying healthy in recovery. Common medical issues including heart, lungs, and liver, along with the…

Is Buspirone Addictive and Can it Get You High?

Is Buspirone Addictive and Can it Get You High?

BuSpar, also known as buspirone, is an anti-anxiety medication. Many consider this a low-risk medication, but other people are struggling with addiction. Prescription medications can be abused by people, which makes it important to be educated. Knowing how the drug works can lower the chance of addiction. Why Was BuSpar Taken Off The Market? While the drug BuSpar was not taken…

What Is Fentanyl?

What Is Fentanyl?

Fentanyl is a controlled substance that is similar to the opiate morphine. However, it is much stronger than morphine by around 90 times. Fentanyl is a synthetic opiate prescribed to manage pain from terminal illness and cancer. Much of the illegal fentanyl sold on the street comes from Mexico and China. It looks like heroin, and often it is mistaken for…

How To Know If Executive Sober Living Programs Are a Good Fit

How To Know If Executive Sober Living Programs Are a Good Fit

Leaving rehab is a time of great challenge for people in recovery. After completion of a program, you may feel ready to return to life but life has other plans. Executives especially may find it daunting to return to the previous pace of life and stay sober. Executive sober living programs can be a good way to meet those demands. Before…

How To Build Successful Recovery On a Foundation of Humility

How To Build Successful Recovery On a Foundation of Humility

Working hard in substance abuse recovery can put things into perspective. Humility is one of the traits that are helpful to have when looking to build a successful recovery. Shaping your journey around humility helps you see things differently. It may not come naturally to you, but you can work towards this goal if you put in some effort early on….

How To Identify Addictive Behaviors

How To Identify Addictive Behaviors

While many times addictions involve physical dependency, the psychological and behavioral aspects of addiction must be considered as well. Addictive behavior is just as difficult to treat than physical addictions. Addictive behaviors, like physical addictions, result in changes to your brain chemistry. You can even experience psychological and physical symptoms of withdrawal when you stop engaging in addictive behavior. Addictive behavior…

What is Lean?

What is Lean?

Opiates are some of the most commonly abused drugs. Despite their many medical uses, opiates are highly addictive. Opiates include illicit drugs like heroin, as well as prescription opiates like Oxycontin, morphine, and Codeine. Unfortunately, taking opiates regularly, even as prescribed, can lead to physical and psychological addiction. When prescription opiates are diverted to black markets, drugs like lean become highly…

Most Prescribed Drugs in America

Most Prescribed Drugs in America

Nearly half of all Americans take at least one prescription medication regularly, with more than 23% taking three or more different prescriptions at a time. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 3 billion medications are either prescribed or ordered each year. Additionally, the CDC found that the vast majority of emergency room encounters and doctor visits result…

Does Alcohol Kill Brain Cells?

Does Alcohol Kill Brain Cells?

Alcohol is one of the most widely abused psychoactive substances worldwide. Alcohol is a fixture at many culturally significant events, like weddings and major sports events. Also, alcohol is a type of central nervous system depressant, which results in calming effects. Additionally, alcohol also can cause severe liver disease, memory loss, and cardiovascular problems. But, does alcohol kill brain cells? Central…

Why is a Daily ‘Pause’ Button Important for Recovery?

Why is a Daily ‘Pause’ Button Important for Recovery?

When people think about hitting ‘pause,’ it typically means they think of stopping altogether. Not just pausing to reflect on why sobriety is a powerful substance abuse recovery tool, but how to stop doing what they are doing altogether in favor of a different way of life. While there are bigger pauses in life, there is also an element of hitting…

What are the Side Effects of Oxycontin Use?

What are the Side Effects of Oxycontin Use?

Oxycontin, a powerful prescription opiate that is stronger than morphine, is highly addictive. The drug has become a well-known gateway to heroin and the face of the opiate crisis. Oxycontin side effects are extensive, with the most serious of which is its addictive qualities. The drug has led to changes in policies that restrict the ability of doctors to over-prescribe it…

What are Benzos?

What are Benzos?

Benzodiazepines are a prescription medication that commonly treat conditions such as anxiety disorders. Roughly 5% of Americans are prescribed benzodiazepines, such as Xanax, Valium and Ativan and nearly 10% of Americans have abused or become addicted to benzos. Benzodiazepine abuse is increasing and can pose serious risks for users. Emergency rooms are seeing a significant rise in patients experiencing a benzodiazepine…

How to Fix Your Life When it Becomes Like a Broken Record

How to Fix Your Life When it Becomes Like a Broken Record

Every single day and year of your life is different. You progress through tracks in school, you work your way up the ladder at work, and hit milestone after milestone throughout your life. Whether you like it or not, life continues moving forward. When life stops becoming about hitting milestones, you begin to feel like it is a broken record. Suddenly,…