Skittle Parties: Dangerous Young Adult Socials

Skittle Parties: Dangerous Young Adult Socials

What are skittle parties, and are they dangerous for my son? You might have heard of the latest drug craze that’s sweeping through the teens of America. It’s called a skittles party, and it’s not just a harmless candy-fest. Rather, “skittle parties” are when teens and young people (including college students) get together and raid medicine cabinets (or anywhere else) for…

Alcoholism: How Do I Know My Limits?

Alcoholism: How Do I Know My Limits?

How do I know if I’m drinking too much? Millions of Americans struggle with an addiction to, or chemical dependence on, alcohol: alcoholism. But in controlled consumption and moderation, alcohol can be safe to use. How do you know the difference between drinking that’s okay, and dangerous drinking? What does alcoholism look like? Luckily there are tell-tale warning signs that can…

Texas College Students Abuse a Lot of Meth

Texas College Students Abuse a Lot of Meth

What can I do if my son is struggling with an addiction to meth (methamphetamine)? Unfortunately, meth is a very popular drug among college-age men. And that includes the University of Texas, of course, along with UT-Austin, Texas A&M, University of Houston, and University of North Texas. College students may be more vulnerable than other groups, because meth (or speed, or…

Molly: What You Need to Know About this Popular College Drug

Molly: What You Need to Know About this Popular College Drug

What can I do if I’m struggling with an addiction to Molly? This is not your parents’ drug—Molly is something new, unfamiliar to those used to heroin, cocaine, marijuana, and meth. “Molly,” a street name short for “molecular,” is a purified form of Ecstasy (or MDMA), which is taken to produce feelings of euphoria and peace in the user. It’s become…

Study Drugs: How “Good Grade Pills” Lead to Addiction

Study Drugs: How “Good Grade Pills” Lead to Addiction

What can I do if I’m dealing with addiction to study drugs? Study drugs are widely used by college students and high school students alike. They’re taken to increase concentration and stamina, and are often used when pulling an all-nighter before a big test. Have you ever felt like you needed some more concentration? Do you feel tired sometimes, or out-of-it,…

Enabling – How My Mother Helped Save My Life

Enabling – How My Mother Helped Save My Life

Enabling, by definition is “doing for someone things that they could, and should be doing themselves.” In doing this, all consequences are removed from a drug addict or alcoholic’s life. Enabling can look like many things. It can be constantly giving someone money, continuing to repair damaged property, paying for lawyers and court fees, bailing the addict/alcoholic out of jail, or…

A Mother’s Perspective – The Last Resort

A Mother’s Perspective – The Last Resort

Dear Family,It was a blessing for our family to find The Last Resort Recovery Center. This was the second treatment center that our son entered, and it was very different from his first experience. The key factors that helped him were the all-male facility, the limited number of residents, and counselors and other staff who really held him accountable. Although somewhat…

Letter of hope from an Alumni’s Mom and Sister

Letter of hope from an Alumni’s Mom and Sister

No words can describe or express our deepest thanks and gratitude to The Last Resort for everything you have done for our son/brother. Just saying thank you doesn’t seem like enough but seems like a good start. Before our daughter found The Last Resort for her brother, we thought we would be making funeral arrangements. Fortunately he seemed to have reached…