Men Are at Higher Risk for Alcoholism—How Can Rehab Help?

Men Are at Higher Risk for Alcoholism—How Can Rehab Help?

What can I do if I’m man struggling with alcohol? Men are dealing with drinking problems at a greater rate than ever. Men are particularly vulnerable to the threat of alcoholism. Because of cultural factors, as well as biological factors, men find themselves in drinking problems much more readily than women. And if you’re wondering whether you might have a drinking…

Hospital-Based Rehab—Less Effective than Long-Term Rehab

Hospital-Based Rehab—Less Effective than Long-Term Rehab

Where can I go for the drug rehab that fits my needs? If you’re struggling with drug addiction, then it can be very difficult to find the resources that you need to overcome it. Drug addiction is a horrible disease, one that traps the person suffering from it and makes it almost impossible to escape. Almost impossible, that is, without any…

What Can I Do About Alcoholism in Young Men, Like My Son?

What Can I Do About Alcoholism in Young Men, Like My Son?

What can I do about my son’s drinking? Alcoholism, underage drinking, and binge drinking are all very common among young men—in fact, young men represent the largest sub-group of alcoholics, according to new research. And this widespread alcoholism can have disastrous consequences. Alcoholism is linked with abuse, violence, sexual assault, addiction, overdose and drug interactions, and even death—not to mention the…

Houston Alcoholism—What You Can Do About It

Houston Alcoholism—What You Can Do About It

What can I do about alcoholism in Houston, TX? Texas is state that struggles with alcoholism, and has for a long time. Drinking culture in Texas is well-established, and it’s hard to push back against an environment that encourages drinking. Unfortunately, for people struggling with alcoholism, Houston can be a dangerous place. Your son, father, uncle, brother, or husband can easily…

Prescription Drug Abuse Exploding Among College Students

Prescription Drug Abuse Exploding Among College Students

What can I do about prescription drug abuse as a college student? The situation for college students is getting more and more dire. Prescription drug abuse is growing and growing in popularity, with more and more college students in particular finding themselves battling addiction when they should be focusing on college. And this addiction can have deadly consequences. Statistics show that…

Heroin Addiction: Its Effects, Dangers, and How to Fight It

Heroin Addiction: Its Effects, Dangers, and How to Fight It

What can I do if I’m struggling with heroin addiction? Heroin addiction is a terrible and deadly disease that affects millions of people all around the world. Heroin can have severe long-term impacts on your health, your family, your career, and all areas of your life. And if you’re one of the millions of people struggling against heroin, you’re probably wondering…

Military Addiction Drugs and Alcohol in the Armed Forces

Military Addiction Drugs and Alcohol in the Armed Forces

What can I do as a solider suffering from drug addiction? Unfortunately, the US military (including the Army, the Navy, the Marines, the Air Force, the National Guard, and other branches of the armed forces) has much higher rates of addiction to illegal drugs, abused prescription pills, and alcohol. The rates of people who struggle with addiction is much higher than…

Meth Addiction—Its Dangers, and What to Do About It

Meth Addiction—Its Dangers, and What to Do About It

What can I do if I’m struggling with an addiction to meth (methamphetamine)? Far from its glamorous portrayal in TV shows like Breaking Bad, real life meth is not something to play with. Far from it—it’s a highly dangerous and highly addictive drugs, and far too many people wind up dealing with an addiction when they just “wanted to try one…