Austin Drug Dealer Arrested, Major Drug Kingpin Off Streets

How do drug dealers contribute to the rise of drug addiction? If you’re suffering from an addiction to drugs such as meth, cocaine, heroin, PCP, marijuana, or Molly – or abused prescription painkillers such as OxyContin, Percocet, or Vicodin – you probably wish you knew what to do to fight addiction. The primary ways that addiction is encouraged or fostered in…

Painkiller Rehab and Prescription Drug Abuse – Protect Yourself

What can I do if I’m addicted to prescription painkillers? Where once law enforcement and health professionals were worried about illegal drugs such as meth, cocaine, heroin, marijuana, PCP, or Molly, in the past 10 years a much greater threat has emerged. Right now, addiction rates to many illegal drugs are dropping. But, on the other hand, addiction rates to prescription…

Dallas/Ft Worth the Epicenter of Texas Drug Trade

Dallas/Ft Worth the Epicenter of Texas Drug Trade

What can I do if I’m struggling with addiction in Dallas or Fort Worth? Right now, Dallas and Fort Worth are becoming the epicenter of the illegal drug trade in all of Texas. Not only that, but they’re also becoming the distribution center for abused prescription medications – usually painkillers like Percocet, Vicodin, or OxyContin. Most of the illegal drug trade,…

Did Rehab Help Robin Williams? Learn More

Did Rehab Help Robin Williams? Learn More

Was Robin Williams helped by rehab? You’ve heard the news by now: beloved actor Robin Williams was found dead in his California home on Sunday, from apparent intentional asphyxiation. The medical examiner ruled that the death seemed accidental, pending an investigation into a possible suicide. So Robin Williams’ death brings up the question: was he truly helped by rehab? Robin Williams…

OxyContin, Percocet, and Vicodin—the New Killers

OxyContin, Percocet, and Vicodin—the New Killers

What can I do if I’m struggling with addiction to OxyContin, Percocet, or Vicodin? These three drugs, which are together classified in the category of prescription painkillers, are quickly becoming some of the most popular and deadly drugs in the entire world. In fact, the entire face of drug addiction in the United States is changing. Where once drug abuse was…

How Does Drug Treatment Improve Your Life? Top 3 Reasons

How Does Drug Treatment Improve Your Life? Top 3 Reasons

What does drug treatment do that can help me improve my life? If you’re struggling with drug addiction, then you know by now what it’s doing to ruin your life. Drug addiction can destroy your health, your relationships, your finances, your reputation – every aspect of your life. In fact, some people who are suffering from drug addiction get to the…

Texas A&M Addiction and Misery, Students Need Rehab

Where can I go for drug addiction help if I’m a student at Texas A&M? Texas A&M is a great school, one of the most popular and prestigious schools in all of Texas. But, like most colleges and universities around the country, Texas A&M suffers from drug addiction and alcoholism. Students here are participating in underage drinking, binge drinking, and other…

Texas Medical Board Tries to Fight Prescription Drug Abuse

Texas Medical Board Tries to Fight Prescription Drug Abuse

What does the Texas Medical Board have to say about prescription drug abuse? Drug addiction in Texas is changing rapidly. Where once Texas used to be struggling with addiction to heroin, cocaine, meth, PCP, or Molly, addiction has been changing rapidly to focus more on the abuse of prescription medications. These medications are usually prescription painkillers such as OxyContin, Percocet, or…

Alcoholism on the Rise in the US – What to Do About It?

Alcoholism on the Rise in the US – What to Do About It?

What can I do to fight alcoholism? The dependence on alcohol is almost as old as humanity itself. As long as there has been alcohol, there’s been people abusing it. So alcoholism is one of the oldest forms of substance abuse—if you’re suffering from alcoholism, know that you’re not alone. But, you should also know that alcoholism is a serious disease…

Opiate Addiction—Infecting Texas and Spreading Every Year

Opiate Addiction—Infecting Texas and Spreading Every Year

How can I fight opiate addiction in the state of Texas? Texas right now is having a major problem with drug addiction. And, increasingly, the face of Texas addiction is not illegal drugs such as meth, cocaine, marijuana, or Molly. More and more each year, Texas addiction is all about prescription drugs. These prescription drugs are usually painkillers such as OxyContin…

Drug Dealers, Mexican Cartels, and How Rehab Fights Them

Drug Dealers, Mexican Cartels, and How Rehab Fights Them

How do drug dealers and the drug trade affect me? If your one of the people who are struggling with drug addiction, you might not realize just what effect it’s been having. Though it’s often thought of as a “victimless crime,” drug abuse is anything but. In fact, the trade in illegal drugs and abuse of prescription medication is having a…