Methadone—Getting High on Anti-Addiction Drugs

Methadone—Getting High on Anti-Addiction Drugs

What can I do about methadone addiction? Methadone addiction is a very strange situation. Methadone is something that’s prescribed in order to help people quit using drugs. But unfortunately, it’s also becoming a drug that’s abused itself. It is something that’s effective in helping people quit using drugs, but inventive addicts can take almost anything and turn it into something that…

Cocaine Addiction in Texas – How Can It Be Stopped?

Cocaine Addiction in Texas – How Can It Be Stopped?

What can I do about cocaine addiction in Texas? When you’re struggling from cocaine addiction, then you’re well aware of the harmful effects it can have on you. Cocaine is not only involved in severe damage to people’s health and increased risk of death, but it’s also responsible for a lot of violent crime around Texas. And it’s been in the…

Meth—Is It Actually Untreatable, or Is that an Urban Myth?

Meth—Is It Actually Untreatable, or Is that an Urban Myth? Is meth addiction really untreatable? There are a lot of different ideas going around about meth addiction and the extent to which it can be treated. One of the rumors going around is that it’s actually impossible to overcome meth addiction. People think that even one hit of meth is enough…

Father and Son—How Can Fathers Help with Addiction?

Father and Son—How Can Fathers Help with Addiction?

How can the father-son connection help when it comes to rehab? When your son is struggling with drug addiction or alcoholism, you’re in a unique position as a father to help them. This is true for alcoholism, as well as illegal drugs like meth, cocaine, heroin, PCP, and abused prescription medications such as Percocet, Vicodin, and OxyContin. As a dad, you’re…

College Alcoholism—Dangerous for All Involved

College Alcoholism—Dangerous for All Involved

What can I do to fight against college alcoholism? If you’re a college-aged young adult, then odds are you are more than acquainted with drinking. Over 80% of all college students drink while during their time at university, and fully half of them admit to binge-drinking. And drinking problems are associated with all kinds of terrible side effects. For example, drinking…

Brother’s Addiction – How Can I Help My Brother Recover?

Brother’s Addiction – How Can I Help My Brother Recover?

Have you been wondering how to help a drug addict brother? If your sibling is struggling with an addiction to drugs, that puts you in a very difficult position. After all, knowing how to deal with drug addict brother who’s struggling with an addiction to meth, cocaine, heroin, PCP, Molly, or prescription drug abuse can be hard. The good news, however,…

Alcoholism Deaths Lead to New Classes for Texas Students

What can I do to protect myself from alcoholism as a university student in Texas? It’s well-known that alcoholism is rampant on university campuses. In fact, college and dangerous drinking are literally proverbial. People expect that college students will engage in dangerous drinking, including binge drinking, drinking to blackout, or even alcoholism. But just because it happens all the time, doesn’t…

Synthetic Marijuana Killing Teens in Texas How to Fight It?

Synthetic Marijuana Killing Teens in Texas How to Fight It?

What is synthetic marijuana, and why is it so dangerous? Synthetic marijuana is a class of drugs that’s becoming increasingly popular all over the country. But it’s more popular among certain people certain groups of people than others – such as young people, college students, or teens. And right now, synthetic marijuana been implicated in youth drug deaths across Texas. Synthetic…

Prescription Pill Addiction—How Does it Keep Increasing?

Prescription Pill Addiction—How Does it Keep Increasing?

What can I do about prescription pill addiction? Right now, prescription pill addiction is one of the most rapidly growing – and one of the most deadly – of all forms of drug addiction. And even though it’s deadly, it still gets more and more popular. It’s gotten to the point where prescription pills such as Percocet, Vicodin, and OxyContin are…

Men’s Drug Addiction The Dangers for Men

What are the specific consequences of drug addiction for men? If you’re a man struggling with drug addiction, then you must realize that drug abuse can have severe consequences. This is true for both men and women, but specifically men can have consequences that wouldn’t happen with women. Because men and women’s bodies are different, they react in different ways to…

Family—How Drug Addiction Impacts Everyone

Family—How Drug Addiction Impacts Everyone

What does drug addiction do to harm my family? Whether you’re struggling with drug addiction yourself, or you’re concerned about your loved one (such as your husband, father, brother, or son), drug addiction impacts are serious business. This is true for addiction to illegal drugs such as meth, cocaine, heroin, PCP, Molly, as well as abused prescription medications such as Percocet,…

Your Job, Drug Addiction, and You—What Can Happen?

Your Job, Drug Addiction, and You—What Can Happen?

How does drug addiction affect my job or professional career? If you’re a man struggling with addiction, remember that it impacts every area of your life. From your family and your relationships, to your health, even to your finances and work situation. If you’re struggling with an addiction to illegal drugs such as meth, cocaine, heroin, PCP, or abused prescription drugs…