Finding Strength

Finding Strength

There’s nothing worse for a man’s pride and sense of self than the feeling of weakness. Weakness is deplorable in almost every culture and there are a whole range of psychological battles we endure when we feel weak and helpless. It’s not a good feeling and ruins our self-confidence and presence of mind. Substance addiction is particularly difficult in this way…

Does Addiction Affect Men and Women Differently?

Does Addiction Affect Men and Women Differently?

While addiction affects us all in devastating ways, requiring serious treatment attention and counseling to overcome, several clinics and studies are starting to notice that addiction affects men and women a bit differently. Understanding these differences is key to providing appropriate recovery support to both genders.For starters, the physiology of drug use differs from men to women based on a few…

Are Men More Prone to Addiction Than Women?

Are Men More Prone to Addiction Than Women?

Addiction, whether drug, alcohol, technology, sex, et cetera, is a personalized disorder. Meaning, why and to what a person becomes addicted, varies with each person. Socio-economic standing, gender, genetic makeup, and personal habits can all have a hand in whether a person develops an addiction, and to what level of severity.The Journal of Abnormal Psychology recently conducted a study involving over…

Hooked on Data: Do You Have a Cell Phone Addiction?

Hooked on Data: Do You Have a Cell Phone Addiction?

Generation Y, or millennials, are a generation of technology users. Born in the early 80’s, millennials hit adulthood around the turn of the century and have helped to set the standards and expectations for upcoming generations of youth. If you think about it, the majority of the individuals from this time frame have never known what it’s like to be without…

Does Marijuana Affect Weight Gain?

Does Marijuana Affect Weight Gain?

Recently a group of researchers at the University of Montreal decided to analyze an NDIT (Nicotine Dependence in Teens) study led by Jennifer O’Loughlin. Nearly 1300 teens had agreed to share continual information regarding their diet, overall mental and physical health, physical activities, and frequency of cannabis, alcohol, or nicotine use. Because the study was highly detailed, it allowed the researchers…

What Are The Long Term Side Effects Of Xanax Addiction?

What Are The Long Term Side Effects Of Xanax Addiction?

Xanax is an anti-anxiety medication belonging to the drug family of benzodiazepines, first developed in the late 1960’s as a sleep aid. The short and long term side effects of Xanax can be dangerous and ultimately lead to addiction.Officially known as alprazolam, but more commonly known by any or all of its street names—Bars, Z-bars, Blue Footballs, Benzos, Upjohn, School Bus,…

Recovery Inside ACL Live

Recovery Inside ACL Live

As we have all experienced, there are times when life hits you square between the eyes. Whether our expectations fall short​, or we experience an obstacle on a relationship, life happens. In recovery we have all learned a set of tools, through the 12 steps, to help guide us through these moments. For example, yesterday in my own recovery, I had…

Big Drug Problems in Texas

Big Drug Problems in Texas

How can you help with the massive drug problem in Texas? More people than ever are using illicit drugs in TX and are admitting to themselves that they need to seek rehab. Some people struggle with marijuana, others with harder drugs such as heroin, cocaine, and stimulants, and still others with prescription drugs. Some people say that drug addiction isn’t that…

Designer Drugs and College Addiction—What Can Be Done

Designer Drugs and College Addiction—What Can Be Done

What can I do if I’m a college student and I’m struggling with an addiction to designer drugs? Right now, designer drugs are one of the most impressive and wide-ranging forms of substance abuse. People can do amazing things with designer drugs. For example, if you wanted the high of marijuana with the energy boost of cocaine in the first 20…