Brain Damage from Meth Abuse Closely Resembles Schizophrenia

Brain Damage from Meth Abuse Closely Resembles Schizophrenia

Researchers from the University of Sydney, in Australia, have published a new study revealing how the methamphetamine-induced sensitization of the brain looks a lot like that of schizophrenia patients; i.e. both meth users and schizophrenics have the same structural damage to their grey matter.When examining their findings, researchers discovered that neurological changes induced by methamphetamine use are very similar to the…

What is the Difference between OxyContin and Oxycodone?

What is the Difference between OxyContin and Oxycodone?

As the use and abuse of opioids continue to rise, you may have questions about this complicated situation. While a variety of different drugs have contributed to the opioid epidemic, addiction to opioids usually begins with prescription drugs like Oxycontin and oxycodone. However, what is the difference between OxyContin and oxycodone? Difference Between OxyContin and Oxycodone Both products are used for…

Drug Addiction and the Family Unit

Drug Addiction and the Family Unit

When a person falls down the rabbit hole into addictive addiction, the consequences are anything but individual.Everyone you come in contact with, from close family members to strangers on the street, will be affected by your addiction. To strangers, your incoherent mumblings or angry rantings will be fleeting; however, those closest to you have to live with your mood swings, unreliability,…

How a Gambling Addiction can Take Its Toll

How a Gambling Addiction can Take Its Toll

A problem that is becoming a greater issue with each passing year, and is causing concern in many countries where public health situations matter, is gambling. Gambling can create problems not only in one’s social life, but can also affect their physical and psychological well-being.As the highs from wins are forgotten under stockpiling losses, stress levels skyrocket. It doesn’t take long…

Childhood low self esteem can lead to easy addiction

Childhood low self esteem can lead to easy addiction

So much of who we become as adults finds its roots in childhood. For that reason, professors from Florida State University and University of Miami put together a study to see if collected data could support the idea that low self-esteem in childhood led to higher instances of substance abuse as adults. The results aren’t surprising.Professors John Taylor and Donald Lloyd…

Wired for Addiction: How our Brains can be Exploited

Wired for Addiction: How our Brains can be Exploited

Even those of us who are recovering addicts continue to have other areas of our lives where addiction continues to reign. This is pretty natural, it turns out. All people are pre-programmed with certain traits and qualities that predispose us to addictive behavior. The severity of these vices varies from person to person and between cultures but these few points of…

How To Overcome Anxiety

How To Overcome Anxiety

Almost everyone who has ever dealt with any form of addiction or substance dependence will familiar with the overwhelming feeling of anxiety. It’s one of those staples to the condition, and one that every addiction treatment program can relate to. Addiction comes with a whole line of confusing emotions and conflicting feelings but the tidal wave of anxiety hits you like…

How does Vicodin affect your body long term?

How does Vicodin affect your body long term?

Vicodin is the most commonly prescribed brand name of the opiate pain reliever hydrocodone, mixed with acetaminophen. It’s strong pain relieving effects have been a favorite for recreational drug abuse since the mid 1980s, however it’s also responsible for some pretty damaging long term effects.So How Does Vicodin Affect Your Body Long Term?One of the more serious of these long term…

What is Opium?

It gets mentioned a lot when talking about addiction because it’s the main ingredient in heroin and most painkillers. Opiates are some of the most notorious drugs in the realm of addiction and cause nearly 30,000 deaths per year. Street names for opium include Buddha, Chillum, Easing Powder, Emerald City, Chinese Molasses, Aunti Emma, Midnight Oil, and others. It has a…

Faith in Recovery

Faith in Recovery

As a spiritually-centered recovery center, we understand that the most crucial component of long term success in addiction recovery is faith. This does not necessarily mean religion, though the many religions of the world are centered on faith. Faith by itself, however, means believing in yourself and in something larger than yourself. As the many prophets and saints have come to…