How Addiction Hijacks the Brain

How Addiction Hijacks the Brain

The easiest way to define addiction is to describe it as an intense psychological and physical craving for something and continuing its use despite severe consequences in one’s health, relationships, career, and quality of life. How does addiction take control of the brain? Substance addiction completely changes the brain and how it functions. It changes the way your brain understands pleasure…

Alcohol Addiction vs. Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol Addiction vs. Alcohol Abuse

It’s important to understand the differences and similarities between alcohol addiction and alcohol abuse in order to receive the right kind of treatment. The two, though similar in some ways, are quite different and require two different approaches to recovery. The major difference between Alcohol Addiction and Alcohol Abuse An alcoholic is a person who suffers from a physical dependency and…

Simplifying the 12 Steps

Simplifying the 12 Steps

The famous 12 Step addiction recovery program was made popular by Alcoholics Anonymous, a group designed to help alcoholics into recovery. It has indeed helped thousands of people worldwide and continues to do so with the following process: Step 1 Admitting the Problem- The most difficult step for most addicts, admitting that you have an addiction, is the first and most…

The Truth

The Truth

I spent the majority of my life running away from the truth; Putting on a smile, smooth talking my way out of each problem that presented itself acting however I needed to for the approval of others, or to fulfill my own selfish motives. I had no clue who I was or who I was ever supposed to be, but I…

What’s Your Legacy?

What’s Your Legacy?

The path to recovery from drug or alcohol addiction is not easy. Amidst the cravings and awkward relationships, you may find yourself asking why you continue to put yourself through the difficulties involved in getting sober. Quitting starts to look easy. To get past that block, you need to remind yourself of your motivation for seeking recovery in the first place….

The Effects of Exercise on Depression

The Effects of Exercise on Depression

When you’re suffering from depression, it can be hard to find the energy to keep up any kind of fitness routine. However, persistence in performing regular workouts does take care of the body. It has been proven that exercise can help ease the symptoms of depression. What Effect Does Exercise Have on Depression?Broadly speaking, exercise has an overwhelmingly positive effect on…

How Belief in a Higher Power Impacts Recovery

How Belief in a Higher Power Impacts Recovery

12-Step-Programs 12-step-programs are wildly popular among a high percentage of recovering individuals, not just in the United States, but around the world. Good reasons stand for this regard. The fellowship, the community, the inspirational text of the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, and most importantly, the hope. When our human strength just doesn’t seem to be enough to counteract the influence…

Equine Assisted Psychotherapy For Men

Equine Assisted Psychotherapy For Men

Many people understand horseback riding as a calming, therapeutic exercise. This isn’t so far off. It even has a name: equine assisted psychotherapy, or equine therapy. People around the world use this therapy. Initially, people used it to help patients recover from traumatic injuries. Later on, in the last two decades, equine therapy branched off into the field of psychology, and…

Depression and Anxiety: Unsuspected Teammates

Depression and Anxiety: Unsuspected Teammates

Understanding the emotional pathways of the brain—where they criss-cross and where they clash—is key to identifying and developing more effective treatments for mental health. Depression and anxiety, two of the most prevalent emotional disorders in the world, often manifest alongside one another. For some, that’s surprising: the former, we associate with a lethargic energy; the latter, typically a more hyper one….

Cheating, Sexual Impulsivity and Recovery

Cheating, Sexual Impulsivity and Recovery

Surveys show that men cheat on their romantic partners twice as often as women—and for different reasons. Research hasn’t yielded much shocking new information, but it has given credibility to a few popular ideas: Men are more likely to report sexual reasons for their infidelity, especially in long-term relationships. For example, being dissatisfied with frequency of sex, or his excitement during…