The Phenomenon of Doctor Shopping Surges Pill Addictions

The Phenomenon of Doctor Shopping Surges Pill Addictions

Doctor shopping is a growing problem in the United States. It is a fairly common, yet illegal way for addicts to get prescription drugs for use that is not related to medical injury or pain. Doctor shopping is when an addict decides to visit several different doctors or facilities for the same medication. From there, they usually fill the prescriptions at…

The 12th Step in Addiction Recovery:  Giving Back

The 12th Step in Addiction Recovery: Giving Back

Alcoholics and drug addicts can be the best resource to help other addicts to overcome their problems. Experience is a great teacher. No one would wish an addiction experience on another person. People who have experienced drug and alcohol addictions are best suited to understand the highs and lows of a substance addiction, the stresses and problems that accompany recovery.An addict…

The Awesome Power of Music in Your Addiction Rehab and Recovery

The Awesome Power of Music in Your Addiction Rehab and Recovery

Musick has Charms to sooth a savage Breast,To soften Rocks, or bend a knotted Oak.When William Cosgrove penned these lines in 1697 to open his poem The Mourning Bride, he may have sensed that music has powers beyond alleviating savagery, softening rocks, and bending large trees. Drug addiction therapists and counselors have expanded Cosgrove’s observations to turn music into a tool…

Dopamine and the Brain’s Reward System

Dopamine and the Brain’s Reward System

At some point in man’s evolution and history, dopamine played a key role in assuring the survival of the species. When early man experienced something that we now recognize as pleasurable, his brain would release the dopamine neurotransmitter, which would then course through his body and create sensations of pleasure. Dopamine would be released when early man ate something that he…

Exploding the Myths About Recreational Drug Use

Exploding the Myths About Recreational Drug Use

A growing libertarian mindset in the United States is contributing to a greater acceptance of recreational drug use. That mindset, however, also ignores the danger created by certain recreational drugs and the personal and societal problems that can result from recreational drug use. Your political views and your opinions of how the country’s criminal justice system treats users and dealers of…

Step 10 – Maintaining Your Efforts for the Long Haul

Step 10 – Maintaining Your Efforts for the Long Haul

Step 10 of the 12-step program focuses on taking personal inventory and, where needed, admitting wrongdoing. The first nine steps of the process prepare the way for step 10 and beyond. Building on this pattern of life is important for maintaining sobriety for the long haul. Taking Inventory Self-evaluation is an important part of recovery. A daily examen, or inventory, of…

Bringing Joy to the World

Bringing Joy to the World

Recovery begins with a decision to stop destructive behaviors and begin a new life, one without drugs or alcohol. The holiday rush is here and with that come parties, social events and gatherings which may trigger a desire to relapse. Giving back to others while coping with personal challenges in recovery might feel difficult but can have a positive impact and…

My Story

My Story

I don’t remember ever feeling completely comfortable in my own skin until I took my first drink. It was as if the world went from black-and-white to Technicolor the second it hit my lips and I immediately decided that I was going to do that again as often as possible. My disease progressed as I began trying every substance that crossed…

Anatomy of a Heroin Detox

Anatomy of a Heroin Detox

When heroin finally leaves the body, mere hours later, withdrawal symptoms can begin. Intense cravings will develop, leading to a very uncomfortable process both psychologically and physiologically. Duration of use tends to affect the tolerance to heroin and the amount of it used. As these levels increase, the more severe the withdrawal symptoms will be. Detox Flu-like symptoms are common in…

What Does Heroin Feel Like?

What Does Heroin Feel Like?

Those individuals who have never tried heroin before or know someone with a heroin addiction might find themselves wondering, “what does heroin feel like?” It’s because of the feeling that it produces that heroin is such a dangerously addictive drug. Most people who take it describe it as feeling a euphoric high. However, there’s more to it than just that. What…

Step 8 – Making Amends

Step 8 – Making Amends

Making amends may sound easy, but listing people harmed then following up with amends (in action or words) is one of the more challenging aspects of recovery. The very act of making amends requires thoughtful introspection about the reality of addiction and the true cost exacted on family, friends and oneself. True growth in recovery comes from admitting wrongs done and…

It’s Okay to be in Recovery Over the Holidays

It’s Okay to be in Recovery Over the Holidays

The holidays are a challenging time for people in recovery. Family obligations and stress arise, resentments and disappointments might feel heavier during this season and some people wait until after the holidays to seek treatment or help. It is always a good time to ask for help. Seeking Treatment November and December are perfect months to seek treatment for drug or…