Organized Sports Are a Deterrent to Substance Abuse

Organized Sports Are a Deterrent to Substance Abuse

When you think of your stereotypical “good kid,” you probably picture him playing soccer, tap-dancing, singing along with their church choir, learning the trumpet—anything but drugs and alcohol.And in this case, the cliché is warranted: researchers at Dartmouth found that adolescents who participate in group activities are less likely to use drugs. There are several proposed reasons for this.Unsurprisingly, authority figures…

Addiction, Jalapeños, and Running Really Far

Addiction, Jalapeños, and Running Really Far

Believe it or not, running and jalapeños may hold the key to recovery for some of you. This is about addiction running, and the way that my brain, the addict’s brain, uniquely over-responds to pleasurable experiences, and jalapeños.I had never been much of an athlete when I first started running. Yet, through some strange insidious progression I found myself running a…

Why the Anonymity in AA?

Why the Anonymity in AA?

Given that it is part of the organization’s name, it should be no surprise to anyone that anonymity is a critical element of the recovery programs fostered by Alcoholics Anonymous. Since its founding in 1935, Alcoholics Anonymous has provided its participants with a safe environment to share their personal stories and to receive support from other recovering alcoholics without exposing them…

Avoid These Mistakes if You’re Planning a Drug Intervention

Avoid These Mistakes if You’re Planning a Drug Intervention

If you’re thinking about holding an intervention for someone in your life who’s struggling with drug or alcohol addiction, there are some things you should know before you begin. You may already know how difficult it can be for an addict to accept treatment, so it’s important to run the intervention as smoothly as possible. What is a Drug Intervention? When…

How Long Will I Be in Alcohol Rehabilitation?

How Long Will I Be in Alcohol Rehabilitation?

Individuals who suffer from alcoholism often latch onto excuses for not seeking treatment for the problem. A common excuse is that alcohol rehabilitation therapy takes too much time, and time spent in rehab and away from family, friends and careers will cause more harm than continuing to feed an alcohol addiction. The truth is that alcohol rehabilitation will often require a…

How Buprenorphine Blocks Opiates to Treat Addiction

How Buprenorphine Blocks Opiates to Treat Addiction

“Buprenorphine” is the generic name for the active ingredient in the pharmaceutical products, Subutex and Suboxone. Physicians and opiate addiction treatment counselors are increasingly relying upon Buprenorphine therapy over more traditional addiction therapies such as methadone to overcome and defeat heroin and other opiate addictions. Buprenorphine for Opiate Addiction Opioids create intense pleasurable sensations by causing a flood of the neurotransmitter,…

How to Help a Coke Addict

How to Help a Coke Addict

Cocaine addiction can be very difficult to treat. Having a solid plan in preparation to help someone is crucial. There are three major areas associated with a strong plan for recovery: medical assistance, psychosocial support, and a promising aftercare plan. Understanding Addiction and Dependence Before figuring out how to help the addict, it’s important to understand whether the person is seriously…

Are Opiates Physically Addictive?

Are Opiates Physically Addictive?

Prescription drug addiction is a fast growing problem in the United States. Opiate addiction signs include doctor shopping (visiting various doctors to get multiple prescriptions for drugs) or taking more medication than prescribed. Addiction can be treated several different ways, usually through opiate substitution prescribing or through behavioral changes. Opiate substitution prescribing is typically more favored, as behavioral change is generally…

Coffee Addiction and Your Health

Coffee Addiction and Your Health

Caffeine is a common psychoactive drug. It has a regular place in many people’s everyday lives. However, people sometimes overlook the negative, life-threatening consequences of coffee if it is used long term. Similar to other drug addictions, it can cause serious health problems.Caffeine causes an increase in the stress hormone cortisol. Excessive use can even lead to clogged arteries and other…

So, what do you do?

So, what do you do?

How often do we hear So, what do you do in a social setting? A seemingly harmless question, often used as a social ice breaker, but that holds so much weight in how we are defined, both personally and socially. I used to struggle with this question, because If you asked me 6 years ago, my answer would be different every…

Young People Face Unique Challenges in Recovery

Young People Face Unique Challenges in Recovery

The number of young people recovering from addiction is rising, and no one knows why. Some believe it’s because addiction is just becoming more common, and others think it’s because more people feel like they can come forward because it is more accepted to talk about addiction these days. Whatever the reason, the addiction is the same, but young people have…

Can a Rehab Clinic Offer Medications for Meth Withdrawal Symptoms?

Can a Rehab Clinic Offer Medications for Meth Withdrawal Symptoms?

There are four main medications for methamphetamine withdrawal that clinics offer and can be available through prescription from a medical doctor. These medications are Paxil, Bupropion, Modafinil, and Mirtazapine. When a person undergoes meth withdrawal, they experience severe detox symptoms that require medication to alleviate. The First Step of Recovery The first phase of an addiction treatment program is detoxification. Detoxification,…