Dangers of Mixing Opiates and Alcohol

Dangers of Mixing Opiates and Alcohol

Unfortunately, mixing alcohol and opiates isn’t an uncommon practice. Alcohol is a drug that is commonly mixed with others, because, well, it’s a lot easier to make poor decisions–like mixing in another drug–while drunk. In 2010, nearly 19 thousand people who entered alcohol rehab also abused opiates, according to a report from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services administration. On…

The Tendency To Blame Others for Your Alcoholism

The Tendency To Blame Others for Your Alcoholism

When something goes wrong — horribly wrong — it makes us feel horrible. When we feel horrible, we desperately want to channel those emotions somewhere. All of us, especially addicts, do this. The Vicious Cycle Even if you know, deep down, that your disease is nobody’s fault, the temptation to blame someone is strong, and the mental fog that alcoholism creates…

Is THC Addictive?

Is THC Addictive?

Before we answer this question, let’s clarify exactly what we’re asking. The question is whether or not THC is addictive—not whether marijuana should be legalized. That’s an important distinction to make, so as not to deter readers from learning, understanding, and accepting the answer: Yes, THC is addictive. Marijuana is addictive. What Is THC? THC—or 9-tetrahydrocannabinol—is the principal psychoactive constituent of…

Suboxone for Opiate Addiction Treatment

Suboxone for Opiate Addiction Treatment

In the US, the drug Suboxone is prescribed to help with opiate addiction by preventing withdrawal symptoms. It’s used to help both acute opiate withdrawal (the initial, most intense withdrawal period) as well as long-term withdrawal. Why Does Opiate Withdrawal Happen? Opiate drugs—heroin, morphine, codeine, OxyCodone, and so on—are highly addictive, sometimes after just one use. Very quickly, the central nervous…

Do People Really Have Internet Addiction?

Do People Really Have Internet Addiction?

Like most drug addictions, behavioral addictions have gained a lot of acceptance in recent years. However, internet addiction doesn’t appear in the latest addition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the bible of mental health conditions for the whole field of psychiatry. In this day and age, that’s somewhat of a surprise, because most of us can admit…

Getting Rid of Food Cravings

Getting Rid of Food Cravings

Veggies get you full quickly, and they’re highly snackable–but few people snack on carrot sticks and cauliflower. The biggest players in the snack-food world are barbecue chips, chocolate chunk cookies, cheesy crackers and the like. It’s not fullness we’re after. It’s warmth, it’s distraction, and it’s habit. Know What You’re Up Against Junk food addiction is the most common, and costly,…

Resources For a Family Drug Intervention

Resources For a Family Drug Intervention

Sometimes, all we can do is let an loved one addicted to drugs hit rock bottom.If rock bottom fails to deter them, further action becomes necessary, often in the form of a stiff, painful ultimatum.Although the popular A&E program Intervention makes this process out to be messy, painful and dramatic, an intervention is actually a well-organized, highly successful tactic when handled…

How To Find a Quality Rehab Facility Nearby

How To Find a Quality Rehab Facility Nearby

Tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drug abuse costs the US about $700 billion annually, according to a study conducted by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). It’s become a national crisis that affects everyone–the rich, the poor, the young, the elderly. Still, finding out that a loved one is suffering from drug addiction can catch you off guard. Even if you’ve…

How Is Methadone Prescribed?

How Is Methadone Prescribed?

Methadone belongs to a class of synthetic-agents called “opiate analgesics.” Essentially, these drugs distract certain brain regions that keep us hooked on opiates: namely, the parts responsible for the euphoria.Methadone is often a godsend to those determined to quit. The prescribing of methadone is common practice; however, doctors must be registered with the DEA as part of the Narcotic Treatment Program…

5 Symptoms Of Crack Detox

5 Symptoms Of Crack Detox

Crack is a powerful drug that alters the brain processes responsible for behavior, thought, perception, and emotion. As the body adjusts to the presence of cocaine in its system, the user requires more and more of the drug to feel stimulated—or even stable. When this dependency develops, crack detox becomes for a successful recovery.The longer a user continues this vicious habit—the…

What is Involved in an Intensive Inpatient Drug Treatment Program?

What is Involved in an Intensive Inpatient Drug Treatment Program?

Luxury rehab facilities, like the ones that cater to celebrities and that are often depicted in popular culture, do exist and a rehab program at one of those facilities might look like a 4-week spa vacation to anyone who is not familiar with addiction recovery. Inpatient drug treatment programs, whether at a luxury or any other facility, almost always involve intensive…

Avoiding Drugs at Music Festivals

Avoiding Drugs at Music Festivals

People travel from all over the country to camp out, socialize, and dance at music festivals for days on end. With electronic music rising in popularity, these festivals are garnering more and more attention—and not just from fans. While many celebrate these events as the ultimate form of escapism, law enforcement is becoming increasingly worried about the mechanics behind it.Dance music…

Experiencing a Crack Detox

Experiencing a Crack Detox

Crack Cocaine dependency is an intimidating illness to take on. Hundreds of thousands of addicts butt heads with the first stages of detox when they run out of cash and find themselves doing whatever they can—whatever it takes—to get more crack. The term crack has become an exaggerated adjective synonymous with “highly addictive.”If you or someone you know is suffering from…