What Are The Long Term Side Effects Of Ambien Addiction?

What Are The Long Term Side Effects Of Ambien Addiction?

If you have suffered a sleep disorder, or if you are taking a lengthy transcontinental flight, your physician might prescribe Ambien to help you sleep. Ambien (or, in its generic form, “zolpidem”) is a non-traditional sedative that has a depressant effect on your central nervous system. It works directly on your brain by slowing down your brain’s functioning. Although it comes…

Make Yourself Whole Again

Make Yourself Whole Again

Drug addiction and alcoholism will rob an individual of every opportunity to live a complete and well-rounded life. Procuring drugs and alcohol gradually becomes the sole concentration and purpose of the addict’s existence to the exclusion of family, friends, and career. Addiction rehab and recovery will help the addict to break his physical and chemical dependency on drugs and alcohol, but…

Four Reasons Why the Best Person to Help an Addict is Another Addict

Four Reasons Why the Best Person to Help an Addict is Another Addict

Lot’s of really good people tried to help me get sober. My family tried. My friends tried. Professional therapists, doctors, even lawyers tried. Still, I just kept getting loaded. It wasn’t until I got connected to a bunch of recovering addicts that I was finally able to stop drinking and using for good.What made the difference? Why are untrained strangers able…

Oxycontin Addiction Treatment Center In Texas

Oxycontin Addiction Treatment Center In Texas

Oxycontin is a time-lease version of the opioid painkiller, Oxycodone. Like all opioid products, Oxycontin is psychologically and chemically addictive. The United States Drug Enforcement Administration has designated Oxycontin as a Schedule II drug, which means that it has a high potential for abuse and addiction. Moreover, as a Schedule II drug, a physician will be able to write a prescription…

The Art of Emotional Balance in Addiction Recovery

The Art of Emotional Balance in Addiction Recovery

Alcoholism and drug addiction will put even the most stable individual on an emotional roller coaster. If that individual’s emotions continue to swing wildly when he gets into rehab and recovery and he has not developed mechanisms to work with his emotions, his chances of getting through recovery and living a sober and fulfilling life will be substantially reduced. Addiction recovery…

What Is Psychological Addiction?

What Is Psychological Addiction?

Psychological addiction may not given much credence in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (the “DSM”), but individuals who suffers from these addictions often experience obsessions and withdrawal symptoms that mirror the experiences of substance abusers who are physically and chemically addicted to drugs or alcohol. Addictions to shopping, gambling, sex and the internet all have the potential to…

The Percocet Prescription Process

The Percocet Prescription Process

Percocet is the brand name of a narcotic pain relief medication that is legally available only when prescribed for short-term use by a physician to treat severe pain. Percocet combines the opiate drug, oxycodone, with the over-the-counter painkiller, acetaminophen, to deliver its pain-killing benefits. Like Vicodin, which is a combination of hydrocodone and acetaminophen, Percocet can be addictive and it is…

3 Tips for Improving Family Health and Communication

3 Tips for Improving Family Health and Communication

Family health and communication is important for all families. The effects of growing up or living in a dysfunctional family can last a lifetime and leave family members with lingering anger and distrust that extends well beyond their family dynamic. Achieving and maintaining family health and communication takes on a heightened sense of importance when the family is dealing with a…

Is Ecstasy Addictive?

Is Ecstasy Addictive?

Ecstasy is an amphetamine derivative that stimulates a user’s central nervous system while causing mild hallucinatory effects. The Food and Drug Administration and law enforcement authorities classify Ecstasy as a Schedule I controlled substance. From its first formulations in the early part of the twentieth century and at least through the seventies, Ecstasy had been used to treat trauma and depression….

Why Do People Use Marijuana?

Why Do People Use Marijuana?

There are probably as many explanations for marijuana use as there are people who use marijuana. Marijuana use has become more acceptable as the medical establishment has begun to incorporate THC into treatments for various ailments, and a few states have relaxed laws to allow for recreational use of marijuana. The fact remains, however, that the active ingredients in marijuana will…

Defense Mechanisms that Addicts Use To Avoid Treatment

Defense Mechanisms that Addicts Use To Avoid Treatment

Defense mechanisms are a deep part of the human psyche. Man has an intuitive sense of self-preservation that relies on defense mechanisms to excuse mistakes, shift blame for problems, and avoid responsibility for difficult situations. These defense mechanisms play an important role in man’s ability to cope with the world around him, but they devolve into unjustified rationalizations when alcoholics and…

Coping With a Family Member’s Devastating Addiction

Coping With a Family Member’s Devastating Addiction

Drug addiction and alcoholism are family diseases. An individual who is addicted to drugs or alcohol might protest that he is only hurting himself and that he should be left alone, but all families that have dealt with an addicted family member know that the truth is exactly the opposite. An alcoholic or drug addict devastates his own life and creates…

How Does Adderall Work?

How Does Adderall Work?

Adderall is a stimulant that is prescribed primarily to treat attention deficit disorder. The drug itself is a blend of four different amphetamines. Researchers do not fully understand how Adderall achieves its effects of increasing concentration and memory, but those effects are very well understood within many different groups of individuals who value concentration and focus, including professional athletes, businessmen and…

Vicodin Addiction: Is Vicodin A Narcotic?

Vicodin Addiction: Is Vicodin A Narcotic?

From both a medical and legal perspective, Vicodin is a narcotic. Prior to late 2014, Vicodin was listed by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) as a Schedule III narcotic. It was reclassified under the more restrictive Schedule II guidelines after prescription drug abuse and addiction began to skyrocket in the United State. Is Vicodin a Narcotic? Physicians primarily prescribe medical narcotics,…

Does Marijuana Cause Lung Cancer?

Does Marijuana Cause Lung Cancer?

When you inhale marijuana smoke, you are introducing foreign substances into your lungs. Research scientists and physicians have long expected that inhaling foreign substances can damage your lungs and ultimately cause cancer. Moreover, those scientists have determined that marijuana smoke contains greater concentrations of the carcinogenic chemicals that are found in cigarette smoke. The expectation is that marijuana smoke is a…