Is It Time to Call In A Professional For Your Addicted Family Member?

Is It Time to Call In A Professional For Your Addicted Family Member?

The family of a drug addict or alcoholic typically suffers more than the addict or alcoholic himself. Addicts become so consumed by their addiction that they do not see the financial and emotional devastation they are causing their families. Families, in turn, often vacillate between enabling the addiction and getting angry over it. When families do not know where to turn,…

How to Safely Conduct an Alcohol Intervention

How to Safely Conduct an Alcohol Intervention

Many people have formed their impressions of group alcohol interventions from movies and television programs that inevitably end with an alcoholic’s tearful admission of his problem and his agreement to seek treatment. Alcohol interventions, however, are rarely as tidy as depicted in popular culture. As with many substance addictions, denial is a symptom of alcoholism. Friends, family and loved ones who…

Starting Over: Creating Your Personal Relapse Prevention Plan

Starting Over: Creating Your Personal Relapse Prevention Plan

Making a complete list of all your addiction triggers is just one part of making an individual relapse prevention plan. If you’re in a 12-Step program, start by revisiting your self-inventory from Step 4. Highlight the factors that had the biggest influence on your turning to—and staying in—substance abuse. Asking Questions When Building a Relapse Prevention Plan When doing a personal…

Detox Treatment for Ambien Addiction

Detox Treatment for Ambien Addiction

Ambien is a sedative in the benzodiazepine family. Although it is less habit-forming than other sedatives in that pharmaceutical family, Ambien in nonetheless addictive and individuals who stop using Ambien after a long period of continued use will experience withdrawal symptoms that are typical of withdrawal from other abused drugs. Those symptoms can include agitation, panic attacks and restlessness, elevated blood…

The Role of Serotonin in Your Brain

The Role of Serotonin in Your Brain

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that carries signals between the nerve cells in your brain, as well as between nerve pathways and muscle tissue. The largest concentrations of serotonin in your body will be in your brain, your blood platelets and your digestive tract. For many years, physicians and biochemists have believed that serotonin plays a significant role in regulating your moods….

Common Forms of Sex Addiction

Common Forms of Sex Addiction

The term “sex addiction” is a broad categorical reference to a number of different activities that are related to obsessive or compulsive sexual conduct. Those activities include sexual fantasies, seduction and role playing, voyeurism and exhibitionism, bartering or paying for sex, sexual relationships with anonymous individuals, and at the extreme, violent, intrusive, or sado-masochistic sex. Many of these activities might be…

Ways to Withdraw from Xanax

Ways to Withdraw from Xanax

Xanax is a powerful antidepressant that patients receive to treat anxiety and related psychological disorders. Sudden or “cold turkey” withdrawal from Xanax use can result in a strong return of anxiety symptoms that can be dangerous and even fatal. In all cases, if an individual has been using Xanax for any extended period of time, withdrawing from or stopping Xanax use…

How is Vicodin Prescribed?

How is Vicodin Prescribed?

Vicodin is a blend of hydrocodone, which is an opiate pain-killer, and acetaminophen, which is the over-the-counter analgesic medication in Tylenol. A physician will prescribe Vicodin for post-surgical pain management, or to control pain associated with traumatic injuries. Like all opiate products, Vicodin can be extremely addictive. The U.S Drug Enforcement Agency recently reclassified Vicodin as a Schedule II drug. Among…

What Is An Alcoholism Rehabilitation Program

What Is An Alcoholism Rehabilitation Program

Treatment methods for alcoholism have come a long way since the days of “drunk tanks.” Detentions centers designed to house drunks while they sobered up and suffered through their symptoms. Alcoholism is now recognized and treated as a chronic disease. Alcohol addiction treatment programs attack that disease. The goal being to give alcoholics the tools and techniques to live with and…

The Slippery Slope of Percocet Dependence

The Slippery Slope of Percocet Dependence

Percocet is a prescription opiate-based painkiller that combines oxycodone and acetaminophen. The generally-accepted philosophy in the medical community is that patients who are experiencing post-surgical or trauma-induced pain will heal and recover better without pain. This is a sound philosophy, but like all opiate products, Percocet is very addictive. Physicians and pharmacists may counsel their patients about the risks of Percocet…

How Long Does A DUI Stay On My Record?

How Long Does A DUI Stay On My Record?

If you have been arrested and convicted for driving while intoxicated or driving under the influence of intoxicating substances (DUI or DWI), that conviction will appear on two separate records: your driving record, and your criminal conviction record.Each of the fifty states has different laws and rules on when your DUI or DWI conviction will be removed from your driving record….

Get Some Help for Your Vicodin Addiction

Get Some Help for Your Vicodin Addiction

Like all substance addiction problems, Vicodin addictions are difficult, if not impossible, to overcome without outside assistance. Vicodin is an opiate painkiller. Opiates work wonders in alleviating pain, but they also interact with your brain’s dopamine neurotransmitter reward system. After a short time, opiates change a person’s brain chemistry to create powerful urges and cravings for more of the drug. That…

What Are the Harmful Side Effects of Vicodin?

What Are the Harmful Side Effects of Vicodin?

Vicodin is a blend of the opiate painkiller, hydrocodone, and the over-the-counter analgesic, acetaminophen. Abuse and overuse of either of these drug products can and will have serious side effects. Your physician and pharmacists will likely give you laundry lists of precautions when you receive a Vicodin prescription, but in many cases, you will not be as concerned with those precautions…

What Are The Effects of Marijuana On The Body?

What Are The Effects of Marijuana On The Body?

Over the past several years, the marijuana debate has focused primarily on legalizing medical and recreational marijuana. The medical benefits of marijuana have taken center-stage in this debate, obscuring discussions of the near- and long-term effects of marijuana on a recreational marijuana user’s body. When those effects are raised in any debate, they are often obscured by arguments that emphasize the…

How is Vicodin Abused?

How is Vicodin Abused?

Vicodin is a combination of hydrocodone, which is an opiate painkiller, and acetaminophen. Vicodin tablets contain less than 15 milligrams of hydrocodone, but even at that low level this painkiller was recently moved up on the schedule of controlled substances because of increasing levels of Vicodin abuse and opiate addiction that have been reported throughout the United States. When used properly,…

Treatment Options for Ambien Addiction

Treatment Options for Ambien Addiction

The precursor to receiving treatment for Ambien addiction will always be to determine and confirm that you are, in fact, addicted. Addiction is generically defined as the continued use of a substance to meet a psychological or physical need regardless of the negative consequences of that continued use. Ambien is a powerful central nervous system depressant that is used to treat…