Exploring Acupuncture as a Recovery Strategy

Exploring Acupuncture as a Recovery Strategy

Over the past fifty years, acupuncture has transitioned from a fringe alternative medical practice to an accepted treatment methodology for pain management and other medical issues. Some current research suggests that acupuncture is an effective tool to assist alcoholics and opiate addicts to recover from their addictions. Additional research will be needed to understand and verify this conclusion, but the prospects…

Thiamine Deficiency and Alcoholism

Thiamine Deficiency and Alcoholism

The physical effects of alcoholism are often apparent to a casual observer. Over time, an alcoholic will lose weight, have a sallow appearance, and appear tired or confused. The internal, long-term effects of alcoholism, however, are not as easy to identify, yet they are often more dangerous to an alcoholic’s health and well-being even after he stops drinking. In particular, alcoholism…

What Helps You Stay Sober?

What Helps You Stay Sober?

The first few days of alcoholism rehab will be difficult, but for many recovering alcoholics, the real challenge will be staying sober over the long haul. Rehab centers will provide almost round-the-clock support and therapy to stop your alcohol use. When you check out, you will need to find resources and techniques that will help you stay sober over the remainder…

The Dangerous Dance of Sobriety and Depression

The Dangerous Dance of Sobriety and Depression

Depression and alcoholism often go hand-in-hand. Individuals who suffer from depression or other psychological disorders may be more prone to alcoholism, and because alcohol is itself a depressant, an alcoholic may experience depression symptoms as he sinks further into the clutches of his disease. Alcoholism and depression may each be catalysts for the other. However, the more powerful danger lies in…

Using Subutex for Managing Opiate Recovery

Using Subutex for Managing Opiate Recovery

Subutex is also known as buprenorphine, a treatment for persons who develop dependence on opiates or opioids such as heroin and prescription painkillers. Usually it is prescribed to stop cravings, block withdrawal symptoms and prevent ‘dope sickness,’ and is usually given long term rather than for short periods of time for opiate withdrawal. Opiate Withdrawal A wide range of symptoms can…

5 Tips for Helping Your Friend Stay Sober

5 Tips for Helping Your Friend Stay Sober

Recovering from addiction is a journey of a lifetime requiring the support of friends, family and colleagues. Encouragement from loved ones help an individual in recovery with motivation to live free of addiction and substance abuse. The following tips can be helpful when providing support for a friend in sobriety. Acceptance Judgment can impair an individual’s ability to feel safe on…

How to Overcome Addiction

How to Overcome Addiction

Addictions vary from person to person. Substance abuse, drug use, sex, work and relationships are just a few ways people become addicted. Sometimes, it is a combination or there can be co-occurring disorders along with addiction. Similarly, addictions are all based on doing something in excess, living out old habits and patterns but are likewise able to be overcome with the…

Know Your Body’s Molecules

Know Your Body’s Molecules

The brain has many self-produced neurochemicals which make people feel happiness and joy when an experience occurs. Seven brain molecules are linked to happiness. Here are some keys to unlocking this potential in the brain and in people’s lives. Happiness Daily activities and lifestyle choices have the power to affect overall happiness. One negative side-effect of living in the digital age…

Admitting to Your Sponsor that You Had a Drink

Admitting to Your Sponsor that You Had a Drink

Fear, shame and doubt are three main emotions which arise when seeking discussion with a sponsor regarding past drinking. Engaging in discussion with a sponsor need not be a difficult experience but one built on a relationship of trust and confidence that, no matter what, the sponsor is there to support an individual’s recovery regardless of decisions or circumstances. Reasons for…

Big Dreams

Big Dreams

Almost since he was old enough to pick up a bat, Joby Riggs was being groomed for athletic greatness. By the age of 16 Joby was well on his way to fulfilling his lifelong dream of playing in the Major Leagues. In fact, his pitching instructor told him that the only question left was whether he wanted to live in New…

Understanding the Legal Consequences of Substance Abuse

Understanding the Legal Consequences of Substance Abuse

Drug related offenses can have legal consequences in the present and future. Four federal legal principles can get in the way of recovery from substance use. Learn how to navigate the legal issues which can arise and what can be done if an individual gets caught in the system. Criminal Record Tens of thousands of legal and regulatory barriers exist which…

Why You Need An Addiction Relapse Prevention Plan

Why You Need An Addiction Relapse Prevention Plan

Creating a plan with specific steps to prevent a relapse–an episode or series of episodes in which a person returns to using the substance(s) or behavior(s) to which one is addicted–can help tremendously. A relapse prevention plan can be a growth tool for better understanding one’s motivations and challenges which can help a person recognize and respond to early warning signs…

What Is Contingency Management for Addiction Treatment?

What Is Contingency Management for Addiction Treatment?

Contingency management for treatment of drug addiction is a common sense approach that rewards good behavior while punishing negative behavior or adverse actions. A recovering addict who is enrolled in a treatment program that practices contingency management might receive benefits such as extra free time or vouchers for special prizes if he demonstrates that he has successfully avoided drugs or alcohol…

What Are Endorphins and How Can They Help?

What Are Endorphins and How Can They Help?

Endorphins are a class of neurotransmitters that convey electrical signals between cells in your brain and nervous system. Other neurotransmitters in your brain that perform analogous functions are dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin. Your brain will release endorphins when you are under stress or are in pain, at which time the endorphins bind with opiate receptors in your brain to reduce the…

Pros and Cons of Bunavail for Opiate Addiction

Pros and Cons of Bunavail for Opiate Addiction

Bunavail is one of the latest iterations of pharmaceutical treatments to help individuals who have fallen prey to opiate addiction. It comprises a combination of naloxone, which is a synthetic drug that blocks opiate receptors in a person’s nervous system, and buprenorphine, which is a semi-synthetic opioid that reduces opioid withdrawal symptoms. It accomplishes this by attaching to opioid receptors in…

The Meaning of the 12 Steps

The Meaning of the 12 Steps

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]There may be as many meanings to the 12 steps of recovery as there are people who work them. Addiction recovery will always have deeply personal meanings and implications to addicts who are able to overcome their chemical dependence on drugs or alcohol. Still, there are a few common threads to the 12 steps and their meaning through every addict’s experiences….