Should You Mix Alcohol with Xanax?

Should You Mix Alcohol with Xanax?

Xanax is a central nervous system depressant, and alcohol is a metabolic depressant. Taken together, these two depressants enhance each other’s effects to potentially dangerous levels. Because of this, physicians always want their patients not to mix Xanax and alcohol. Regrettably, these warnings are frequently honored in the breach, with potentially dangerous side effects for those individuals who ignore them. Should…

Internet Pornography is Addictive and Manipulates Your Brain

Internet Pornography is Addictive and Manipulates Your Brain

A recent Time Magazine cover story addressed the subject of pornography with a subheading explaining that men who have grown up with porn are becoming advocates for turning it off. The article explains that many men who had ample access to free pornography over the internet have found that pornography has stunted their abilities to form deeper relationships and that they…

Gardening Therapy for Addiction Recovery

Gardening Therapy for Addiction Recovery

A critical element of long-term addiction recovery is learning and discovering new activities that will be fulfilling and enjoyable, and that will be a healthy alternative to drug or alcohol abuse. Counselors discovered that gardening therapy is an ideal activity for this purpose. Recovering alcoholics and drug addicts will often feel a sense of boredom or purposelessness when they are setting…

Do You Have an Addiction Aftercare Plan? Addiction Aftercare Programs For Men

Do You Have an Addiction Aftercare Plan? Addiction Aftercare Programs For Men

A common cliche in business is that no one plans to fail, but many people fail to plan. This is an equally true adage for addiction recovery. Few addicts will go through detox and rehab with an intention to relapse, but addicts that do relapse back to old alcohol or drug use habits often do so because they failed to make…

Adderall Abuse is Growing

Adderall Abuse is Growing

If you ask a college student on a typical American campus to name a commonly-abused drug on that campus, you might be surprised to hear that the answer is Adderall. This drug is frequently prescribed to treat attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), but college and even many high school students have discovered that it can increase their concentration to enhance test performance…

Joe’s Story

Joe’s Story

A Texas native, Joe Hartwell was born in Houston. Following a troubled home life and his parents divorced when he was 12, Joe left home at age 14 and hitchhiked to California. He spent the next two years following the Grateful Dead as they toured across the US and began experimenting with drugs an alcohol. He quickly developed a taste for…

Recovering Your Self-Esteem

Recovering Your Self-Esteem

Recovering from alcoholism or drug addiction involves far more than just stopping all substance use and abuse. Drugs and alcohol will co-opt every part of an addict’s life, including relationships with friends and family, careers, and physical and mental health and well-being. Addicts who progress through a typical 28-day detox and rehab program often find themselves exiting those programs only to…

What Do Eating Disorders Tell Us About Addiction?

What Do Eating Disorders Tell Us About Addiction?

Eating disorders are often explained as coping mechanisms. At the most basic level, an individual with a body image problem might resort to anorexia or bulimia to control that image. At a more abstract level, an individual might develop an eating disorder as a substitute mechanism to control some other unsatisfying or unfulfilled aspect of his or her life. A person…

Business Executive Drug Addiction Rehab Program For Executive Addiction Treatment

Business Executive Drug Addiction Rehab Program For Executive Addiction Treatment

Business executives and other individuals who are in high-stress employment situations are not immune to drug addiction problems. In fact, they may be more prone to drug abuse if they use drugs to alleviate the stress that is common to their employment situations. This situation makes an executive drug addiction rehab program essential to long-lasting recovery.Also, executives will have the financial…

Percocet Addiction Treatment Options and Percocet Addiction Signs

Percocet Addiction Treatment Options and Percocet Addiction Signs

Percocet is a prescription painkiller that combines oxycodone and acetaminophen. Oxycodone is an opiate derivative and, like all opiate products, it can create an addiction problem when it is used to excess or abused. Without proper Percocet addiction treatment, a person with may do irreversible damage to their body. Percocet Addiction Signs Even with close monitoring and control, individuals who are…

These Super Foods Can Help Naturally Boost Serotonin

These Super Foods Can Help Naturally Boost Serotonin

Serotonin and depression are inextricably intertwined. Neuroscientists have long known that individuals who suffer from depression also have low serotonin levels, and that this neurotransmitter is critical in regulating moods. They do not know if depression causes serotonin level reductions, or if low serotonin levels cause depression. Boosting serotonin levels is a common strategy to combat depression. Physicians can accomplish this…

Marijuana Withdrawal Symptoms – How To Withdrawal From Marijuana Abuse

Marijuana Withdrawal Symptoms – How To Withdrawal From Marijuana Abuse

Medical and recreational marijuana use has gained increasing acceptance in the United States over the past ten years. In spite of that acceptance, individuals who use marijuana and its primary active component, THC, can find themselves at a point of abusing these substances, in which case they will need to break their patterns of abuse. And, when they try to stop…

Yes, Alcohol Can Kill You

Yes, Alcohol Can Kill You

In a basic sense, alcohol is a foreign substance. Your body treats that substance as a poison or toxin and metabolizes it through your liver. In very large quantities, alcohol will overwhelm your body and your liver’s ability to metabolize it, and those large quantities of alcohol will kill you. This most often happens when a person binge-drinks and consumes a…