Skittle Parties: Dangerous Young Adult Socials

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Blacking out due to alcohol or drug use is a significant health concern that can impact individuals of various ages and backgrounds. Understanding these memory lapses and how they occur is paramount in creating and employing strategies to prevent them.

What are skittle parties, and are they dangerous for my son? You might have heard of the latest drug craze that’s sweeping through the teens of America. It’s called a skittles party, and it’s not just a harmless candy-fest. Rather, “skittle parties” are when teens and young people (including college students) get together and raid medicine cabinets (or anywhere else) for prescription pills. Then, the pills are put in to a large bowl, and the partiers pop the pills throughout the night. In this case, “skittles” refers to the size and shape of the prescription medication, as well as their varying colors. But what many young people don’t realize is how deadly these “skittles” can be. Click here to learn more about college-age rehab.

Skittle Parties—Dangerous Young Adult Socials

Skittle Parties and Prescription Pills—What You Need to Know

Skittle parties are a hotbed of prescription pill abuse. Addiction to prescription pills is simply exploding right now—it’s expanding much faster than addiction to any other class of drugs. And the most commonly abused medications are usually dangerous painkillers, such as Vicodin, OxyContin, and Percocet. This may surprise parents used to looking out for illegal drugs. “The parents don’t understand the prevalence of the problem. They spend so much time talking about the illegal drugs which they don’t come across that often. The prescription pills are often ignored,” said Cpl. Walker Woods, a school resource officer in Tennessee’s Wilson County Sheriff’s Office.

Prescription Pill Addiction Causes Half of All Fatal Overdoses

But skittle parties can kill, and they do. Prescription pill abuse is a growing problem all over the country. In fact, over half of all fatal overdoses right now are tied to prescription pills of some kind. Why are prescription medications more dangerous than illegal drugs like cocaine, heroin, marijuana, and meth? Well, users are often lulled into a false sense of security because prescription painkillers come from doctors and pharmacies. And, as shown by skittles parties, they’re often combined with other medications, which makes for toxic drug interactions.

Texas Rehab for Men

What can I do for my son if he’s abusing drugs? Last Resort Recovery is the men’s rehab center in Texas that can help your son get clean and stay that way. By choosing Last Resort Recovery, you’re helping your son get the support he needs, and the brotherhood that comes with working together with other men toward a common goal: recovery. We’re conveniently located close to Dallas, Houston, and Austin, Texas. Click here to learn more about The Last Resort admissions process.

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